Zentrum für Neurowissenschaften
der RWTH Aachen


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Personen und



NeuroVisionen 8


NeuroVisionen 8

Nachwuchstagung und Poster-Wettbewerb NeuroVisionen 8
Die Veranstaltung fand am 26.10.2012 in Aachen statt.

Preisträger/innen des Posterwettbewerbes

Mareike Clos, Jülich: Dysconnection of areas for predictive speech coding in patients with
auditory-verbal hallucinations

Eliza Alawi, Aachen: fmri based social neurofeedback of the ACC specifically modulates
cognitive interference processing

Dorothee Hodde, Aachen: Development of biomimetic nerve guides for PNS repair: directional
growth of Schwann cells within nanofibre-containing fibrin hydrogels

Roxana Burciu, Essen: Brain changes associated with postural training in patients with
cerebellar degeneration: a voxel based morphometry study

Vanessa Pütz, Aachen: The effects of maternal separation on social pain processing in
children in care - an fmri study

Agnes Dreier, Aachen: Novel mechanism for Cetuximab resistance through Eme-1 mediated
DNA repair

Amr Abdulazim, Bochum: Pannexin 1: A long hidden co-player in learning and memory

Evangelos Paraskevopolous, Münster: Audio-visual integration of abstraxt congruency rules
is induced by musical expertise: an MEG study

Stefan Kobza, Bochum: Active and observational Learning from Positive and Negative
Feedback is Dissociated with Parkinsonism

Felix Lucka, Münster: Hierarchical Fully Bayesian Interface for EEG/MEG Combination
using Realistic FE Head Models

Kompetenznetzwerk NeuroNRW

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